Monday, March 19, 2007

Hamm Prayer Points - 19|03|07


This past week has been filled with selling & moving. No, our apartment has not been sold yet, but only Maya & Deena still have beds left, and much of the other furniture in our home is now elsewhere!

In the midst of our packing & shuffling Maya contracted chicken pox! She went to bed Sunday night with one known spot and woke spot covered. Lena & I are the only ones in our family that have had chicken pox before, so we're holding our breath as we wait to see if Deena & Sonia will join the club! Such fun!!!

Even with all the commotion we've been blessed by the visits of numerous good friends. We are very thankful for all the godly people God has placed in our lives during our time in St. Petersburg.

Your continued prayers and support and most appreciated!

— Kevin, Lena, Sonia, Maya & Deena


Less than four weeks to go! As we get closer to our arrival we will be posting a list of semi-urgent needs for our "landing". Stay tuned!


* Praise God for good progress in moving & packing. We still have a lot of things in our home, so we'll be having a big "sale" (most of it will be given away) this coming Saturday.

* Our staff safely returned from a busy, but blessed time in Moscow. Thank you for your prayers.


* Maya's health is primary concern right now. Please pray that she will rest peacefully and will not be bothered too much by the itchiness of chicken pox.

* Please pray for continued good health for our family, especially for Deena & Sonia.

* We are still trying to find a buyer for our home! We are confident that the sale will take place, but we'd simply prefer it if takes place sooner! :-)


* ...that the local doctor told Lena today that since Maya has chicken pox, she should not be bathed for ten days???


Kevin & Lena Hamm are missionaries with Mennonite Brethren Mission and Service International, serving with Christian Camping International/Russia in St. Petersburg, Russia.

* A printable version in Adobe Acrobat format is always available for download.

* Visit for links to print versions, archives and more.

* For more on our ministry in Russia, please visit

* You can help! Please visit for ways you can help our family & ministry.

* Hundreds of our recent photos can be viewed at (And now Sonia's pictures too!)

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