Monday, December 11, 2006

Hamm Prayer Points - 11|12|06


What a week! Last Monday we were set on staying home for a quiet Christmas, with hopes that the visas would be ready by year-end and we would have the opportunity to have a late Christmas with our Canadian family. Such simple plans!

On Tuesday we received the news of the visa delay: more documents needed (one is proving difficult to obtain) and a complete re-do of all the medical tests (at great expense to us)! With a narrow window of opportunity available, we all decided that sending Maya & I to Canada for Christmas would be in our best interests.

On Wednesday we managed to get tickets online, and just this afternoon, with a few hours before we are to be at the airport, we received the tickets by courier! Whew! It's now evening for us, and we'll have to be up just after 3 a.m. in order to get to the airport on time. Maya is asleep, the bags are packed and I am ready to hit the hay once this is sent.

It certainly is a crazy life we lead, but we are confident that God knows what's best for our family. We are all very tired, somewhat confused, but ultimately resting in the arms of our Heavenly Father. Thank you for encouraging us to trust in Him!

Please feel free to contact us while we're in Manitoba; you should be able to reach us at my parents' home (204 857-3802) or by email. We'd love to hear from you!

Your prayers for our journey are of course coveted. Pray for Maya that she will travel well (she tends to suffer from motion sickness) and pray that our flight connections work out (we have only an hour in Montreal). Strength for me is needed, particularly as I'm still not feeling well, and as I have to move all the luggage by myself. Thank you for praying!

Blessings on you all,

- Kevin, Lena, Sonia, Maya & Deena


Kevin & Lena Hamm are missionaries with Mennonite Brethren Mission and Service International, serving with Christian Camping International/Russia in St. Petersburg, Russia.

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* Hundreds of our recent photos can be viewed at (And now Sonia's pictures too!)

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