Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Hamm Prayer Points - 13|11|06

Deena & Maya enjoying the snowCOMING IN...MARCH 2007???

What a process we have begun! When we first started the immigration process for Lena & Sonia some 18 months ago we anticipated a relatively easy procedure. Little did we suspect that we would be living in such limbo! It has now been a year since we sent our application material to Canada. Here's a brief timeline of the process:

  1. August-October 2005: Police reports, medical tests and lots of forms completed!
  2. November 13, 2005: Thick package of documents sent via Finland to Canada.
  3. December 8, 2005: Immigration Canada received our application.
  4. January 12, 2006: Immigration Canada began processing our application.
  5. March 28, 2006: Immigration Canada reached a decision about our application.
  6. April 3, 2006: A letter arrives informing us that the application has been approved and Lena & Sonia's information has been forwarded to Moscow for visa processing.
  7. May 3, 2006: We received a letter from the Canadian Embassy in Moscow informing us that they have received the paperwork and began processing visas on April 10. They told us that the process will take at least six months and that we should not contact them at all during the process.
  8. September 2006: Hope that "at least six months" might mean "less than"!
  9. October 2006: The great six-month milestone arrives...and passes without visas.
  10. November 2006: We are reminded that the process can take "five to eleven months"!

At least life isn't dull! ;-) While we certainly would like the visas to arrive sooner rather than later, we are trying our best to completely rest in God's hands. As we (slowly) pack and distribute many of our possession to churches and friends, we continue to work with CCI/Russia and our local church. How ever long we'll have to wait is anyone's guess, but we won't stop moving forward with the work God has called us to do!

Thank you for keeping us in your prayers and for providing us the financial means to serve!

- Kevin, Lena, Sonia, Maya & Deena


Visas or no visas, we are certainly receiving more & more things for our future home! We are very thankful for all of the people who have given generously to supply us with a wealth of used (and sometimes almost-new) household items. If you have anything to offer to help meet our remaining needs, please contact us directly, or my parents at jakehamm@mts.net.

And of course, please keep praying for visa news to arrive!


* Sonia is enjoying her new jewellery school, and we are all very thankful that it is located so lose to our home! The school is located less than fifteen minutes walk from our home—almost across from the CCI/Russia office! Being able to walk to school every day means that Sonia doesn't have to pay for public transport (a good thing, especially since she still doesn't have a job) and she is able to come home much earlier.


* Tomorrow morning (Nov. 14) eight CCI/Russia staff members (everyone but me) will be leaving for three days of planning for the 2007 winter conference. They will be joined by regional leaders for intensive planning, preparation and prayer. Please pray for God's blessings upon their decision-making and pray that they will make the best use of their time together.

* On Wednesday Lena will be going to the clinic for some tests. Please pray that the doctors will be able to correctly diagnose what (if any) treatment she might need.

* Maya has been sick with a cold for now two weeks. Please pray for improved health for her and for good continued health for the rest of us.


* ...that a Russian woman successfully (well, sort of) sued Coca-Coca for causing a chronic health ailment? She had sued for 5,133 rubles, but only won 3,133 (134 CAD). Not happy with her small victory, she is now planning to sue for 3 million rubles (about 128,000 CAD)!


Kevin & Lena Hamm are missionaries with Mennonite Brethren Mission and Service International, serving with Christian Camping International/Russia in St. Petersburg, Russia.

* A printable version in Adobe Acrobat format is always available for download.

* Visit www.krhamm.com/pray for links to print versions, archives and more.

* For more on our ministry in Russia, please visit www.krhamm.com.

* You can help! Please visit www.krhamm.com/support for ways you can help our family & ministry.

* Hundreds of our recent photos can be viewed at Flickr.com. (And now Sonia's pictures too!)

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