Monday, July 31, 2006

Hamm Prayer Points - 31|07|06

Blessed by caring people: Maya & Deena with care package from Lakeview churchWAITING GAMES

Back on April 17 we told you about the incident with Olga, our upstairs neighbour who flooded our home while in a drunken stupor. We didn't tell you that "showers from the ceiling" occurred two more times in the past few months!

After several nice talks with Olga and her son, they offered to hire someone to fix the damaged woodwork and re-paint our stained ceilings. We were very thankful for their willingness to make things right, and looked forward to a better relationship with Olga.

Two weeks ago the (minor) repairs were made and we were told that the painters would come soon. Last Tuesday we were informed that the painters would be here Wednesday at 6 p.m. We scrambled to move everything out of the kitchen and cover what remained. Wednesday came and went with no painters in sight. One hundred and twenty four hours of silence later we were finally able to reach the sister of the person in charge of repairs/painting. She explained that her sister was terribly busy and just couldn't come until the other ("more important") project was complete! Busy, indeed—not even enough time to tell us we could resume eating in our kitchen!

In happier news, we received a very thoughtful care package from our friends at Lakeview Community Church in Killarney, Manitoba. Maya & Deena were thrilled to receive stickers, notebooks and even Lifesavers!!! It was a very nice way to end a frustrating week!

Thank you to all who bless our family through prayers and gifts!

- Kevin, Lena, Sonia, Maya & Deena


Here's a question: When Lena & Sonia receive their immigration visas, how long will they have before they must arrive in Canada? Anyone know the answer to that one?

Friends told us that the USA and Finland only give 30 days before you have to arrive–30 days! That's hardly enough time to pack, ship belongings and sell your home! I went looking for an answer to that question and came upon two different stories of personal experience. One family said they had three months, another said the visa was valid for six months (but only received it 6 weeks after it was issued). I've yet to find the official answer. We would very much like to know the real answer to this question! :-)


* Answered prayer from last week! Nina's test for Hepatitis A produced negative results! Praise the Lord that she has no further health issues to deal with at this time!

* We have finally confirmed the date for our upcoming church youth camp! August 21-24 are now the official dates. Now we can go ahead with promotion of the camp.


* Please pray for me as I work in earnest on our youth camp program. Our theme for this year is "Making the Transition". Please pray that I will put together a program that will complement the Bible teaching planned for the camp.


* ...that the Canadian Immigration web site lists helpful info for new immigrants? Some gems include (the following are direct quotes):

  • If you arrive in Canada in the winter, you will need warm clothing such as insulated, waterproof boots; an overcoat; a scarf for your neck; a hat that covers your ears; and gloves or mittens.
  • People normally line up or queue according to the principle of "first-come, first-served." They will be angry if you push ahead in a line-up instead of waiting your turn.
  • You should always arrive on time -- at school, at work and for any meeting. People who are often late may be fired from their jobs or suspended from school. Many Canadians will not wait more than 10 or 15 minutes for someone who has a business meeting.
  • Call the police officer "officer." Never try to give money to a police officer. Canadians do not bribe police officers.


Kevin & Lena Hamm are missionaries with Mennonite Brethren Mission and Service International, serving with Christian Camping International/Russia in St. Petersburg, Russia.

* A printable version in Adobe Acrobat format is always available for download.

* Visit for links to print versions, archives and more.

* For more on our ministry in Russia, please visit

* You can help! Please visit for ways you can help our family & ministry.

* Hundreds of our recent photos can be viewed at (And now Sonia's pictures too!)

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