Monday, June 12, 2006

Hamm Prayer Points - 12|06|06

Our familyCHANGES...

It's mid-June and things are changing. Sonia has finished high school.The Staff Training Workshops are over. Warm weather has finally come. White nights have arrived. Nina is feeling better,especially after her meeting with the heart surgeon this past week.

Thank you for praying for Nina this past week–she truly felt the power of your prayers. During her meeting on Thursday she was told that instead of certainly needing open-heart surgery, she certainly does not! The specialist told her that in her case it is either going to be long-term medication or corrective surgery; in this case, a coronarography. In three weeks Nina is to call the doctor to tell him how she is feeling. If by then the medications have not given her significant improvement, the doctor will then arrange for a coronarography. The cost for that procedure will be 2500 USD. If after the coronarography there is further need for a surgery, then the next step will be an operation to insert plastic tubes into her arteries. Thankfully, open-heart surgery appears to be unnecessary.

As you can imagine, the ups and downs of the medical news these past weeks has been quite unsettling at times, especially for Nina. She did, however, receive a very encouraging piece of news this past week. A family in Canada gave us 250 CAD to cover the cost of her June medications. What a wonderful blessing!

Please continue in prayer for Nina and for the changes in our lives.

– Kevin, Lena, Sonia, Maya & Deena


We continue to trust the Lord's timing in selling our home, finding a home in Manitoba and transplanting our family halfway around the world. Thank you for praying!


* Answered prayer from last week! The Staff Training Workshop in Latvia was a great success. Seventeen camps from across the Baltics sent new and experienced camp leaders to the seven-day course. Praise God for good health for all and a great time of fellowship and training!

* Please join us in praising God for the successful completion of the six spring Staff Training Workshops. In addition the the six STWs, CCI/Russia also hosted a conference for pastors and camp directors in Vladivostok. Over 600 participants from 154 camps received hands-on training for summer camp ministry. Our staff covered territory from Riga in the north to Tashkent in the south and from Minsk in the west to Vladivostok in the east (almost 11,000 km!) to help lead these vital training events. Praise God for His mercy & grace!!!

* Answered prayer from previous weeks! Sonia successfully passed all five of her exams: she received two 5's and three 4's. All-in-all very good results. Sonia sends a big "Thank you!" for your prayers.

* Answered prayer from last week! Our washing machine has been healed! The "doctor" managed to get it back in running form with minimal effort and cost. Praise the Lord for one less major expense!


* Please continue to pray for Nina's health and healing. We pray that the medications will help so that she will not require surgery.

* As we mentioned several weeks ago, we are in need of additional monthly supporters. Many of our supporters have or are reaching the point in their lives where they can no longer keep up with generous giving. Please pray for a new generation of mission-minded givers!


* ...that 3/4 of Russians surveyed didn't know why today is a holiday? They can be forgiven–there have been a lot of of invented, cancelled and re-invented official holidays since the fall of the Soviet Union. This day, June 12, is Russia Day (formerly Independence Day), the date of the formal creation of the Russian Federation.

* ...that Sonia is back in school? The day after her last exam she enrolled in a school for jewellers! (More on that later.)

* ...that the next issue of Hamm Prayer Points will be delayed by a day? I need to make a short trip to Finland this weekend, so I will be typing the next issue on the train!


Kevin & Lena Hamm are missionaries with Mennonite Brethren Mission and Service International, serving with Christian Camping International/Russia in St. Petersburg, Russia.

* A printable version in Adobe Acrobat format is always available for download.

* Visit for links to print versions, archives and more.

* For more on our ministry in Russia, please visit

* You can help! Please visit for ways you can help our family & ministry.

* Hundreds of our recent photos can be viewed at (And now Sonia's pictures too!)

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