Monday, May 22, 2006

Hamm Prayer Points - 22|05|06

Nina & the little onesNINA UPDATE It has now been 10 days since Nina was admitted into the hospital with heart attack-like symptoms. Since May 12 little progress has been made in her diagnosis and recovery. Nina continues to be on a strict regimen of rest and medication. It was only three days ago that she was finally allowed to get out of bed to walk to the dining hall. The doctors continue to run tests and try various medications to try and get her blood pressure down. They seem quite puzzled by her symptoms, which don't quite match their test results! As we wait for Nina's return Lena continues to make the long journey to the hospital every other day. We are thankful that Nina is in good spirits and that I am able to take some time off from work during this time (to stay with the girls during Lena's absence).

Thank you for remembering our family in your prayers.

– Kevin, Lena, Sonia, Maya & Deena


Now that Canada seems a lot further away than it did a month ago, it's a little harder to get excited about planning! The other day Maya exclaimed, "I'm tired of waiting! Tomorrow I'm going to Canada!". Please remember our need for a home come late autumn!


* The last time Nina was in the hospital, this happened... We are very thankful that Nina's home has been kept safe from intruders or other problems thus far.


* Please continue to pray for Nina in the hospital. Pray that her health will be restored so that she can return home. Also remember to pray for Lena as she makes the long treks to bring Nina food and supplies.

* Be in prayer for the Christian Camp Leaders' Conference to be held in Vladivostok (May 25-31). This is major event for the camps and churches in the Far East of Russia. For too long we have been unable (for financial reasons, mostly) to conduct a training event in this, the neediest of regions in Russia. Please pray for the final organizational details, and especially pray for the safe travel of the participants and instructors across this vast territory.

* Sonia completed her first exam (English—her easiest test!) this past Saturday. Please keep praying for her as she prepares for the next four exams.


* ...that the least expensive (non-bulk) toilet paper you can buy in Russia is simply called "54 Metres"? While you can guess how long it is, did you know the price per roll is around 3 rubles (about 15 cents)?

* ...that the best bargain in "made in Russia" commodities is wood matches? A package of eight boxes goes for a mere 4 rubles!!!


Kevin & Lena Hamm are missionaries with Mennonite Brethren Mission and Service International, serving with Christian Camping International/Russia in St. Petersburg, Russia.

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* For more on our ministry in Russia, please visit

* You can help! Please visit for ways you can help our family & ministry.

* Hundreds of our recent photos can be viewed at (And now Sonia's pictures too!)

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